

Non-glutinous rice flour "Joshin ko"
We polish non-glutinous rice, soak them in water, break them into pieces and dehydrate them to make Non-glutinous rice flour. Because we do not use glutinous rice to make this flour, it is more suitable for making chewy dumpling. In family it is used for making "mitarashi", dumplings on a skewer with soy sauce and sugar and "kashiwamochi", a dumpling with bean jam inside wrapped in an oak leaf.
Manufacturers use non-glutinous rice flour as material for Japanese sweets and this flour is the most produced kind of rice flour.

製品識別記号(賞味期限印字が無く、製造ロット識別記号のみ印字の製品の情報)について 餅まき用投げ餅「丸餅(まるもち)」のご提案 特別栽培米について もち米加工について