

Burned barley/rye flour "Hattai ko / mugikogashi"
We make this flour in eastern Japan with barley and in western Japan with rye. In some areas, they use corn or millet to make this flour.
We parch the material and burn it to make this flour. We usually eat this flour with sugar as it is, or we can knead it with hot water to eat them sometimes.
This burned flour is also used to make a hard and dainty sweet mixed with sugar (mugirakugan) and this sweet is a specialty in Tatebayashi city in Gunma prefecture, eastern Japan. In western japan this kind of flour is called "hattaiko," but there are many other names such as "kogashi", "irimugi", "mugairiko", "mugikousen" and "ochirashi." It was popular as drink and simple teacakes and snack in summer to forget the summer heat.

製品識別記号(賞味期限印字が無く、製造ロット識別記号のみ印字の製品の情報)について 餅まき用投げ餅「丸餅(まるもち)」のご提案 特別栽培米について もち米加工について